User Experience Design

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Project: Digital/Remote Summit
Client: Pure Marketing and communications
Role: Technical director and designer

Challenge: Providing a compelling way to make a virtual summit.

This project was made thinking of an innovative solution for providing a good experience to attend a virtual summit. The digital event was programmed to be made via Zoom, so I wanted to create a different remote experience where people could engage in a different way not seen before. 

Having an Artificial Intelligence (called D3CON) as a host that interact to the speakers and assistants. The AI was performed by a digital voice over and animation that had a real-time visualization of its voice (using reactive sound waves). The voice had sound effects applied to make it sound like not human. 

Event results:
- Using a virtual host like D3CON helped us to convey the messaging even more because the summit was about digital democracy. 
- More that 300 assistants from 15 countries. 
- 11 speakers from 3 continents: America, Asia, and Europe. 
- 2 days of summit with a 75% of users engaged (users connected at the same time).

Roles and deliverables:
- Technical implementation.
- Event visuals.
- Motion graphics and editing.
- Zoom and streaming configuration.
Presentation Intros
D3CON / The AI Digital Assistant

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