Case Study: Ad Campaign

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Client: LRG 
Project: Ad Campaign
Role: Market research, campaign strategy and motion design.


To create a campaign that addresses the focal areas for the London Referees Group through appropriate messaging and visuals that will make it impactful. 


Ommni-channel strategy
The idea with this campaign was to create awareness using offline and online traffic through a marketing funnel to get applications, subscribers, and a rich database of prospects. 


Male and Female Hockey Enthusiasts with age between 13 to 50 years old

Values and skills of the referee.
The campaign was made to showcase the values and skills that a referee must have such as leadership, Fair Play, Fairness, Safe play, Mediation, and hard work.  


The strategy consisted in placing collateral pieces around the city with heavy foot-traffic where the target congregates. 


1. Circulating the collateral in strategic places. 
2. Grabbing their attention.
3. Collecting their data.
3. Getting new applicants and subscribers.

The places intended to run this material were at Schools, Bars, Colleges, Universities, Fitness Centers, YMCAS, and sport venues. All these places were defined by our market research insights. 
The collaterals had placed a CTA (call to action) letting apply manually or digitally. Once the applicant scanned the QRcode or sends the application online their data would be stored in an email database that automatically responded to their request. After that, their email could be used for future communication and marketing activations.
The assets made by our team of 5 members was a combination of billboards, posters, brochures, and vehicle wrap advertising.


Once established a relationship with the users, the next phase was using additional collateral to provide value and strengthen the brand. For that purpose, it was proposed to use printed and digital magazines, a clothing line, and presence at local events.


- Website.
- Social media content.
- Billboards.
- Posters.
- Brochures.
- Vehicle wrap advertising.
Video production
Content production for social media

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