Case Study: Live Event

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Project: Live event
Client: Pure Marketing Communications
Role: Creative direction

Introducing a serious topic about politics for an audience in an engaging way.

Creating an immersive space where the audience received not only a talk, but an interactive audio-visual experience. 


The project began with a research on the evolution of the democratic voting mechanism around the world. That system is still antique and old, so I explored ideas from 80s sci-fi movies, the first Apple events, and other artworks with futuristic visuals such as data visualization.

The summit concept was inspired by retro visuals seen in movies but with futuristic data science elements. That helps me to create a theme for the summit suggesting the change from an antique and chaotic past to a disruptive and imaginative vision of the future.

Product visualization:
3D recreation of the scenic design exploring proof of concept, screen dimensions, angles, and visual arrangements before production. 

Event Deliverables:
- Scenic design
- Stage screen visuals
- Main keynote slides
- Event backdrop
- Certificate of attendance
Stage Design and Previsualization
Slides for the main keynote
Certificate of completition
Promotional designs for social media

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